Sunday, September 23, 2007

Lions & Tigers & Bears! Oh, My!

The Safari Zoo Park was a blast! It is located in the center of Guangzhou, about a forty five minute bus ride from our hotel. Our guide told us Guangdong Province is the wealthiest province in China and it is also the first province allowed to have regulations lifted (or lighter) for trade. Because of this, it is wealthier and the people like to give back to their community so everyone can enjoy. The Safari park is owned by a man who was once a butcher. He did really well with the meat and then bought some companies, did well with trade, then bought the Safari Park. There are great exhibits of koalas, pandas, bears, giraffes, rhinos, tigers, lions, kangaroos, and many other animals. When I say great, I mean really great! There were prides,herds, packs, pods, schools, gaggles, you name it! It was really interesting to see so many of each animal together.

The weather today was overcast and very humid. By the time we got to the park, an hour and a half later (the driver got lost), it began to rain. It was a light mist, which continued to get heavier as the morning wore on. It didn't seem to bother anyone though as it cooled us all down~even the animals! By the time we left though, it was a torrential downpour and we were all soaked to the bone!

We took a trolley through the park, where camels, emus and yaks came to see us, up close and personal. It was really neat until we were face to face with a lopsided camel...but he didn't spit as we were expecting him to do. The trolley wound through the maze, where we passed all kinds of animals in somewhat of their natural habitat.

When the ride was over, we got to walk the rest of the park, where we saw how they take care of the baby white tigers, a few tiger cubs being trained, the quest to save the panda, how koalas are born, and Maori dancers (or so we assumed.) Andrew got to feed elephants some bananas~Did you know they eat the banana complete with peel? We got a first hand and personal show of how this is done. =)

Liam absolutely loved the animals! We had a feeling he would as he gets excited when they are on the television. He quite liked the lions and tigers, and tried to imitate the lions deep roar, which was directed at us by the king of the pride as we rode by. He also really liked the monkeys (now, who doesn't?) and the brown bear cubs. The whole park was set up so nicely and it was a wonderful way to spend the day! Apparently, many other Chinese families thought the same thing because it was very crowded there, but it was wonderful to see so many families enjoying each other. Many times when the Chinese come out, the grandparents are with them and it is beautiful to see several generations enjoying an outing together.

Lunch was at one of the little cafes (near the Australian animals) and by the time we got up to the serving line, many things were gone. Everything was written in Chinese, with no pictures, so Wade and Andrew pointed to something that looked like a hamburger. We brought them, and what tasted like sweet tea, back to our table amidst the stares and curiosity seekers. Like I have mentioned before, they don't really hide the fact they are talking about us because they know we don't understand, but it is disconcerting. Fortunately, Liam has figured out how to charm everyone as he starts to wave and barks his "HI" when people look at him. It is pretty darn cute! I think the Chinese people are just curious about us as we are culturally different. I think they want to make sure we are taking good care of one of theirs, and want to learn more about us and our daily activities. As I have also mentioned, once we smile and make eye contact, everyone is very nice and many are very kind and genuine. We are getting used to the stares and having Chinese people watch us eat...just in time for us to leave!

I have digressed. The boys thought they were getting hamburgers and it was somewhat of a hamburger patty but chickeny-fish, deep fried. It had some sauce and pickle and lettuce and tomato, and looked like a hamburger. I got a couple shots of Andrew and Liam as they ate the mystery lunch. There was a bakery right next door so I got a yummy pastry of some was just bread but had a filling of what seemed to be butter, sugar and coconut blended together. Very yummy, no calories, I'm sure because I don't know what it was! =) Isn't that how it works? Anyway, it was a fun afternoon!

The sun finally came out around 4:30, just for a peek hello, then the rain returned. I know we could use the rain, if nothing else, to clear the air! We went to a new restaurant tonight, one we've seen from the bus. It is along the Pearl River and has a beautiful outdoor patio. It sprinkled as we walked there but poured once we were there. Obviously, no patio seating, so they put us in a little room off the main dining room with another Chinese family (again, grandma, grandpa, husband, wife, child.) We ordered about four different dishes to try and it was very tasty...kind of Thai/Vietnamese type food. We were the only Caucasians there so that was a treat, and quite a feat, considering how many are here in the city right now!

Tomorrow we'll do some shopping in the morning and we have a Pearl River dinner cruise in the evening. Tomorrow I will tell more about shopping and how fun it is for me to walk into a store and have them bring out size XXXL and tell me "look, it stretches to fit you." No kidding, it happened in several stores. Shopping is always a humorous experience so I'll elaborate more tomorrow. mct

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